
세계로 나아가 글로벌 인재로 성장하여 양질의 일자리에서 일할 수 있도록 지원합니다.

사업내용 및 지원자 유의사항
본 공고와 관련한 채용과정, 당사자간 합의 및 근로계약사항, 취업관련 비자발급 여부 에 대해서는 한국산업인력공단이 책임지지 않음을 알려드리며, 현지국 노동법 및 공고상 근무조건 등을 면밀히 확인하시기 바랍니다.
AlphaSights Limited

[KOTRA 잡페어] (2016 상반기 글로벌취업상담회) 홍콩 Alphasights, Associate- Entry Level (기획사무원) (10명, 성별무관)

  • 대표자Charles Sutherland
  • 자본금 정보없음
  • 업종투자 자문업
  • 설립연도 2011년
  • 매출액 정보없음
  • 사원수 정보없음
  • 주소 33 Garden Road, 16th Floor, St. John's Building, Hong Kong
  • 홈페이지http://alphasights.com


  • 경력 무관
  • 학력대학(교) 졸업 
  • 외국어 필수 한국어(최상) : -


  • 고용형태정규직
  • 근무지역홍콩
  • 근무시간252
  • 급여(한화) 연봉 2,500 ~ 3,000 만원


  • 시작일2016-03-16
  • 마감일2016-04-06
								As a member of our client service team, you will be acting as the intermediary between our clients on one side, and targeted industry experts on the other. Your role is to focus on our clients’ knowledge gaps and define the specialist knowledge required to address them. You then research companies and industries in order to identify and engage leading subject-matter specialists, suing sound judegemnt to qualify their expertise based on the project in question, and connect them with our clients in real-time. Although there is no typical day, there are often many projects running concurrently and our teams have to learn the most efficient way of identifying expertise quickly. This is a face-paced, client facing, communication-intense role with a clear focus on effectiveness and revenue generation.

Once you excel at the core delivery requirements of the client service role, you will take on additional responsibilities, including overall project management, client relationship management, and coaching of junior colleagues. You will receive intensive on-and-off-the desk training along the core dimensions. It takes to become self-sufficient commercial leader, including account management, business development, negotiation, leadership, recruitment, and talent development. You should aim to be successfully running your own team and book of business within five years from joining us.


직종 경영기획 사무원
모집공고번호 E20150909008
모집인원 9명
국가 홍콩
  • 학력 대학(교) 졸업
  • 경력 무관
  • 자격면허
  • 외국어능력 필수 한국어(최상) : -
주요업무내용 As a member of our client service team, you will be acting as the intermediary between our clients on one side, and targeted industry experts on the other. Your role is to focus on our clients’ knowledge gaps and define the specialist knowledge required to address them. You then research companies and industries in order to identify and engage leading subject-matter specialists, suing sound judegemnt to qualify their expertise based on the project in question, and connect them with our clients in real-time. Although there is no typical day, there are often many projects running concurrently and our teams have to learn the most efficient way of identifying expertise quickly. This is a face-paced, client facing, communication-intense role with a clear focus on effectiveness and revenue generation.

Once you excel at the core delivery requirements of the client service role, you will take on additional responsibilities, including overall project management, client relationship management, and coaching of junior colleagues. You will receive intensive on-and-off-the desk training along the core dimensions. It takes to become self-sufficient commercial leader, including account management, business development, negotiation, leadership, recruitment, and talent development. You should aim to be successfully running your own team and book of business within five years from joining us.
그 외 자격요건 - 0-1 years work experience
- strong academic credentials, including a minimu of 3.3 GPA (or equivalent) and 2:1 honors degree (or equivalent) in any discipline
- Eveidnece success in a professional and/or extracurricular field
- Fluency in English is essential. Fluency in an additional Asian language is a plus.

This is a position for an emotionally intelligent individual who enjoys connecting with people, is an exemplar of professionalism, and is highly motivated by exceeding targets. Our most successful people embrace a “whatever-it-takes” mantra and relish the opportunity to roll up their sleeves to achieve their goals.
- Career maturity and alignment: Clarity about direction, committed to getting there and aware of how Alphasights fits with your journey
- Commercial drive: Seeking to develop sales and negotiation skills as well as the rewards for commercial success
- Innate self-confidence: Ability to thrive in an environment that at times can be volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA)
- Teamwork: People-oriented, emotionally intelligent individuals
- Can-do attitude: Passion for making a tangible impact
- Excellent communication skills: Confidence and poise to initiate conversations with senior executives in diverse markets and functions.
모집공고 URL https://www.worldjob.or.kr/advnc/epmtLink.do?joCrtfcNo=E20150909008&joCrtfcDsp=2&joCrtfcDspSn=1&menuId=


급여사항(년) 2,500만원 ~ 3,000만원 계약기간 [정규직]
근무시간 252 보험가입 회사내규따름
비자타입 취업비자 퇴직금 회사내규따름
가족동반 가능 숙식
항공료 회사내규따름 휴가 회사내규따름
기타 근로조건 서울/홍콩 오피스 근무 가능


구인기업 업종
기업명 비공개
근무지주소 비공개


(한국시간 기준)
2016-03-16 ~ 2016-04-06
채용예정일 2016-05-31
필수서류 영문이력서 , 영문자기소개서
기타 제출서류 Englsih Resume/CV
진행방법 1) 월드잡(WWW.WORLDJOB.OR.KR) 회원가입
2) 로그인 후 국문이력서 작성 (STEP 1~5 완료)
3) 해외채용정보에서 모집건 클릭
4) 지원하기
문의처 job1@hrdkorea.or.kr ※ 이메일로 이력서 지원은 불가하며 공고 관련 문의 시 E로 시작하는 공고번호를 반드시 기재하여 주시기 바랍니다.
기타사항 [KOTRA 잡페어 참여예정기업]
2016년 상반기 글로벌취업상담회
○ 일정 : 2016.5.19~20
○ 장소 : 코엑스
* 서류합격자에 한하여 현장 인터뷰 진행예정

★☆★이 공고는 2016년 5월 19일~20일 2016 KOTRA글로벌취업상담회 참가후보 업체 공고입니다.
동 구인처의 최종 방한여부는 4월경 결정 될 예정이며,
업체가 방한 할 경우
2016년 5/19~20일 "2016 KOTRA글로벌취업상담회" 장소인 코엑스에서 면접이 진행됩니다.
방한하지 못할 경우, 상담회와 상관없이
개별 기업별 채용프로세스(월드잡 구인건)로
채용이 진행 될 예정입니다☆★☆
많은 지원바랍니다.

※ 본 공고와 관련한 추후 면접진행 및 채용과정, 당사자간 합의 및 계약 사항에 대해서는
KOTRA가 책임지지 않음을 알려드리오니 착오없으시기 바랍니다.