
세계로 나아가 글로벌 인재로 성장하여 양질의 일자리에서 일할 수 있도록 지원합니다.

사업내용 및 지원자 유의사항
본 공고와 관련한 채용과정, 당사자간 합의 및 근로계약사항, 취업관련 비자발급 여부 에 대해서는 한국산업인력공단이 책임지지 않음을 알려드리며, 현지국 노동법 및 공고상 근무조건 등을 면밀히 확인하시기 바랍니다.

[KOTRA] 미국, Saltlux, UX/UI designer (1명)

  • 대표자이경일
  • 자본금 정보없음
  • 업종시스템 소프트웨어 개발 및 공급업
  • 설립연도 1981년
  • 매출액 100,000,000 원
  • 사원수 170 명
  • 주소 3003 North First St. Ste 301, San Jose, CA, 95134
  • 홈페이지http://www.saltlux.c


  • 경력 무관
  • 학력대학(교) 졸업 
  • 외국어 필수 영어(상) : able to communicate effectively in any situation without any difficulty


  • 고용형태계약직 12개월
  • 근무지역미국
  • 근무시간8 시간 / 일
  • 급여(한화) 면접 후 결정


  • 시작일2021-06-17
  • 마감일2021-06-30

You'll be working collaboratively with a cross-disciplinary team to help users achieve their goals and fuse business insights with users' needs to craft great user experience.
Day to day tasks will include working on cutting edge chatbot solution from concept to launch. The ideal candidate must be able to demonstrate Design Thinking while developing detail level conversation flows, work flows, wireframes and visual design using an established design system.
• Articulate design thinking with strong rationale, based on market trends and usage data.
• Conducting user research of interviews or surveys to learn their unmet needs and identify the rooms for improvement for chatbot product
• Lead the full design process from concept development to wireframes to high-fidelity specs working closely with global teams of talented engineers.
• Produce design visualizations to help stakeholders understand what the best experience should be: storyboards, flows, wireframes, prototypes, and vision pieces. 
• Case study and analysis of existing applications for potential chatbot applications
• Create visual design and documentation that provide detailed instructions for developers regarding interactions, visual details and other aspects of a product's user interface.
• Re-invent the design for company’s different channel from website to marketing accounts with the streamlined branding strategy


직종 웹 디자이너
모집공고번호 E20210616019
모집인원 1명
국가 미국
  • 학력 대학(교) 졸업
  • 경력 무관
  • 자격면허
  • 외국어능력 필수 영어(상) : able to communicate effectively in any situation without any difficulty
You'll be working collaboratively with a cross-disciplinary team to help users achieve their goals and fuse business insights with users' needs to craft great user experience.
Day to day tasks will include working on cutting edge chatbot solution from concept to launch. The ideal candidate must be able to demonstrate Design Thinking while developing detail level conversation flows, work flows, wireframes and visual design using an established design system.
• Articulate design thinking with strong rationale, based on market trends and usage data.
• Conducting user research of interviews or surveys to learn their unmet needs and identify the rooms for improvement for chatbot product
• Lead the full design process from concept development to wireframes to high-fidelity specs working closely with global teams of talented engineers.
• Produce design visualizations to help stakeholders understand what the best experience should be: storyboards, flows, wireframes, prototypes, and vision pieces. 
• Case study and analysis of existing applications for potential chatbot applications
• Create visual design and documentation that provide detailed instructions for developers regarding interactions, visual details and other aspects of a product's user interface.
• Re-invent the design for company’s different channel from website to marketing accounts with the streamlined branding strategy
그 외 자격요건 Knowledge and experience:
• Experience working with chatbots/chatbot conversations and/or web chat services would be an advantage
• Experienced of UX-led approach to digital products
• A background in a programming language is not essential for this role, but the ability to read and understand the programming languages will give you an advantage in the role
• Bachelor’s degree preferred
• Ability to use mainstream software packages (MS office, Google suite) and comfortable with learning new and bespoke systems
• Transfer an offline process to an online technical platform (conversation flow to chatbot platform/client information to online user guide)
• Excellent verbal communication and written communication skills and grammatical accuracy
• Excellent organizational and planning skills. Ability to prioritize, multi-task, and manage your own time effectively - working to tight deadlines and staying calm under pressure
• Self-starter: Begins work on his or her own initiative, without needing to be told or encouraged to do so
• Ambiguity: Comfortable with change, and always looking at how things could be better
• Communication: Transparent and collaborative in their approach
모집공고 URL https://www.worldjob.or.kr/advnc/epmtLink.do?joCrtfcNo=E20210616019&joCrtfcDsp=1&joCrtfcDspSn=1&menuId=1000002033


급여사항(년) 면접 후 결정 계약기간 [계약직] 12개월
근무시간 8 시간 / 일 보험가입 Health Insurance, Dental Plans 제공
비자타입 기타 퇴직금 협의
가족동반 가능 숙식
항공료 협의 휴가 Paid Time off and paid holidays.
기타 근로조건 VISA support can be considered based on contribution.

- 연봉: 협의 (KOTRA : 2,200만원 이상임을 확인하였습니다)
- 의료보험 지원
- 코로나 19에 따라 구직자와 협의 후 입사시기 조정가능


구인기업 업종 시스템 소프트웨어 개발 및 공급업
기업명 비공개
근무지주소 비공개


(한국시간 기준)
2021-06-17 ~ 2021-06-30
채용예정일 2021-07-01
필수서류 영문이력서
기타 제출서류
진행방법 1차 : 서류심사(이력서, 자기소개서, 증명서 등 제출서류 서면심사)
2차 : 면접심사(면접 및 외국어평가를 통해 직무수행에 필요한 능력 종합평가)

※ 면접 대상자는 서류심사 합격자에 한하여 개별통보
문의처 nowkeaj@kotra.or.kr ※ 이메일로 이력서 지원은 불가하며 공고 관련 문의 시 E로 시작하는 공고번호를 반드시 기재하여 주시기 바랍니다.
담당자 이재권
기타사항 ※ 본 공고와 관련한 추후 면접진행 및 채용과정, 당사자 간 합의 및 계약 사항, 비자발급에 대해서는 KOTRA가 책임지지 않음을 알려드리오니 착오 없으시기 바랍니다.

※ 위 기재된 채용예정일은 업체 사정상 변경 될 수 있음을 알려드립니다.

※ 업체에서 채용 결정시 공고가 조기 마감될 수 있음을 알려드립니다.